Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Dear Readers,

Have you ever heard a soldier or even your spouse say you don't know what it's like to be a soldier? To go off to war and come back to nothing being the same. Well guess what I've got to say? WE ARE SOLDIERS TOO. When our men go off to war, our heart follows them, we deal with their stress over there on top of what we deal with on our own here. Like my old friend told her husband, "you may put your life on the line, but so do I because if you were killed, I'd want to crawl in the grave with you." I even here some of the soldiers saying "I've gone days without sleeping" well if you think that is tough try being a military wife! We go a whole year without sleep during deployment, and when you add a baby on top of it we are lucky to ever sleep again lol.
 It's hard dealing with the mans responsibility while they are gone, from fixing stuff around the house to taking out the trash it seems our days are never done. Where our days were divided between the two of us has now all been placed on one set of shoulders. There are wives out there who are new mothers for the first time, on top of going through a first deployment. It's one thing to be just the wife left at home, and learn to be strong for yourself but when you have kids, you got to get a grip quick and do what you have to do.  you can't just stay in bed and wish a year was up. There is a house to clean, bills to be paid and kids to take care of.  And I'm  not going to lie, there are sometimes that it will all come to a head and you explode. Those are the days we call "the fuck it" days. where nothing gets done, and you find your best friend and get shit faced. you may have a hell of a hangover the next day but it's good to let lose on that day and just get it all out so just maybe you can face another day. I think after the first couple of weeks the emptiness goes away, to be replaced with the last words of I love you on a phone call and knowing that the end will come. Its not that life is over though it seems that way, it's feeling as if the floor has been ripped out from under us, when it finally hits us that they are gone. My hubby is my best friend as well as my lover. Life just isn't the same when he isn't around, even when he annoys me, which any good husband will do. I start missing those little things. that used to annoy me so much.  See readers, I used to believe in fairy tales. The happy ever afters. Now I only believe in sunrises and sunsets cause most days I see both, and it's another day I can check off the calendar.


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