Dear Readers,
This is for a friend, whose husband left like a week ago for Iraq. I know times seem so hard , and its so easy to just leave everything unsaid. I'm telling you I know that's not the way to do it. For all you ladies out there who are experiencing your first deployment. You are not alone...Never are you alone. I'm seven months down and counting. I tried so hard to not let my feelings show. I wished I would have let it all out then maybe I wouldn't be having such issues now.I got friends like Blackrose , whose hubs left three months before mine and now I'm just about at wits end. I will add for my friends who are just going through this and its all new. Its gets easier I Promise. Days just go on and on forever it seems and some of us are just now letting him go. But I cant promise he wont come home all i can do is give you hope. Hope is all i have and courage and strength. Some one once told me "a wife is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until shes in hot water." I know we all fear we will mess up before our hubs is home we have a lot more responsibilities now that he is gone. He is suppose to run the house and we are suppose to keep up. Well ladies its time to show your strength and power. For we are army wives, their are not many like us, but those who came before us and will come after us. I suggest that you take life with a grain of salt. Rumors will fly and things will be said. I know that way too well. But like most army wives that too will pass, You will wake up to days going how much longer do I have to wait? That is always a revolving question....Oh and ladies please don't mention dates or countdowns with specific days.We all know the rules of OSPEC.If any of my readers ever just need to talk, My blog is always confidential , no names are ever mentioned. I'm always online and always receive emails too my phone so if you need to just let it out you can reach me 24/7. I can talk to you or you can just rant, in my advice spit everything out that bothers you. is the way to go then you will have a clean slate. I am advising you of this because like many army wives I was scared everyone might think I was weak and not make it for a whole year. It shows how strong you are and what you can handle. I can tell you not to try and explain to your family unless they them selves are military. No one can understand your life but others who are doing the same. I will also add that most civilians will ask stupid questions.......try not to lose your cool. I have heard lots don't you miss him? I mean really come on are you really that stupid? Of course I miss him who doesn't miss their hubs. Weather they are gone for a week or just a day flat out WE MISS THEM. I would like to also address something that most military wives fight over. I was one of them....Some military wives only have to endure 6 Month deployments ...It depends on what their hubs does I'm not saying they are more special nor are we but we all suffer at some point. I have to say some wives go completely bonkers over 6months. All I gotta say is dont be arguing over whose done more yes 12 months is hard and 6 to some people are hard. Its not a who wins situation but more of if you need me im here. I wont say well mines only gone for 6months, thats just plain and simple rude.Everyone has a hard time and everyone suffers. That doesnt change for any deployment they may seem to get easier but the pain is never gone. The people who you barely know become your life line your hey I can call at 4am when Im missing him most. For those army wives are in the same place you are. I will also say you will find every now and then a shot of something calms your nerves. Im new al this too just more farther along than some . I can tell you I briefly remember the months that went by. I cant say they were easy because I would be lying. But i will inform you and I cant express this enough.....YOU ARE NEVER ALONE...THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE FEELING THE SAME PAIN AS YOU. Thanks for reading
Peace , Love, and Happiness.
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