Friday, July 23, 2010


Dear Readers,

My kids are on my very last nerve.......Well atlest my daughter I ask here to do simple things and she makes it so hard to just heat something up and feed it to her brother.I asked her to simply feed him so maybe I could get some time to talk to my hubs without distraction. I just cant seem to catch a break. I mean my doc told me yesterday that i needed to cut back on my anxity pills and would you plz look at my life......Obviously NOT! I think my damn doctor is a quack. I just wish that when something started working that he wouldnt say oh well you need to weine yourself off of it. I just got half my life straight and all of a sudden its no we need to stop. I could understand if i had been on it for like months or even years and ive been on it for two weeks! And in those two weeks dont get me wrong but they have been much easier than the other things. I just am at wits end I cant stand my husband and I cant stand my kids im lost on what to do. I have punished my daughter and took thinks away and grounded her. When all is said and done it goes write back to her not listening or doing what she is suppose to do. Its like she just loves pushing my buttons.Yesterday i get in my car and to leave for the drs and it wont crank. My lovely daughter  left the keys in the car turned on adn it was dead. thank goodness my neighbor showed up just in time. he jumped me off in enough time that i got to my appointment. Sorry readers I cant type today is not a good day at all. Peace,Love, And Happiness

1 comment:

  1. my email is and for future refences its also posted on my profile
